Food and Agriculture

The resources in the section cover a variety of solidarity economy initiatives related to food and agriculture, including:

Community Supported Agriculture schemes, in which community members buy a “share” from a farm (or cooperative of farms) in exchange for a set portion of the week’s harvest. This gives farmers the financial security to make long-term decisions and large purchases that might otherwise be too high-risk. It also allows consumers and producers to share the risks and benefits of production and consumers to gain access to high-quality, locally-grown food.

Community gardens, which provide fresh produce and a gathering place for communities. In “food deserts” — geographic areas with limited access to fresh, healthy food — they are especially important as food sources. In other areas, they can serve as community centers and transform vacant lots into positive spaces.

The concept of Food Sovereignty, defined as (1) the right of people to determine their own food and agriculture policies and (2) the democratization of food and agriculture.1

1 Food Sovereignty Alliance. “What is Food Sovereignty?” Accessed August 19, 2013.