
General Cooperative Resources

University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC)

UWCC provides original research, holds an annual conference on cooperatives, and gives background information on different sectors.

“Cooperatives: A Tool for Community Economic Development” from the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

Outlines different arguments for the promotion of cooperatives in the fight to develop jobs and promote equality in America. Contains several case studies about different types of cooperatives.

“Research on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives” from the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

A consolidation of the economic data collected by the Cooperative Center related to the economic activity performed by cooperatives in the United States.

Center for the Study of Co-operatives: University of Saskatchewan

A list of papers available for download or purchase.

Research on the Impact of US Cooperatives

Cooperative Development Institute

Resources for cooperatives in the Northeast. Includes a Q&A style navigation.

North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO)

A training organization for members of cooperatives. The Shared Resource Library includes member-produced documents.

“International Co-Operative Alliance: Statement on the Co-Operative Identity”

Definition, values, and principles of the cooperatives.

Curriculum on Cooperatives for Graduate Schools Wiki

Provides graduate level curricula on cooperatives in a wiki-format.

Cooperatives Europe

The European region of the International Cooperative Alliance.

“CooperationWorks!” from The Cooperative Development Network.

Supports the development of cooperatives by providing literature about successful cooperatives and help for those looking to start cooperatives, and conducts research on the cooperative movement.  Offers a map with links to cooperative development centers located across the country.

 “Cooperatives” from the USDA

Provides help and information for people who want to develop cooperatives in rural areas, as well as information about potential funding and links to research about the cooperative movement.

“Co-operatives in Quebec Aboriginal Communities”

A summary of the way the cooperative movement has moved throughout the Aboriginal communities in North and South Quebec, and discusses the cooperative movement and its connection to Aboriginal desires for independence.

Food and Producer Cooperatives

See also: Food and Agriculture 

Coop Directory Listing

“The Coop Directory Service is an online source of information about natural food co-ops.”

Worker Cooperatives

US Federation of Worker Cooperatives

The United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives is a national grassroots membership organization of and for worker cooperatives, democratic workplaces, and organizations that support the growth and development of worker cooperatives.

“Why are Worker Cooperatives So Rare?”

“This paper argues that worker cooperatives are prone to redistribution among members, and that this redistribution distorts incentives.”

Mondragon Corporation

Includes cooperatives, non-cooperative businesses, and other bodies.

Evergreen Cooperatives

The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative uses anchor institutions as a basis for development of worker cooperatives.

“Business Ownership by Workers: Are Worker Cooperatives a Viable Option?”

Describes the form and distinguishing aspects of worker cooperatives and discusses their presence in the United States.  Includes a short literature review about the impact of employee-ownership on firms, employees, and communities, and suggests reasons for the rarity of worker cooperatives.  Concludes with a discussion of the implications for employee-owned cooperative development in Iowa and provides suggestions for future research.

 “Evergreen Cooperatives Field Study” from Capital Institute Field Guide to Investing in a Regenerative Economy

“Immigrant Worker Owned Cooperatives: A User’s Manual” from The Cooperative Foundation

A resource guide for immigrants and potential immigrant coop developers. Gives background on worker cooperatives and principles, integrates many case studies throughout, and provides analysis and advice on the following topics: methods of organizing worker coops; legal icorporation forms and their advantages/drawbacks; different structural arrangements; management and governance; funding; and developing financial sustainability.

 “Strategies for Developing Immigrant Worker Co-ops” from the Canadian Worker Cooperative Federation

Analyzes the advantages of worker cooperatives for immigrants and refugees, as well as the limitations that this population faces when attempting to develop coops. Discusses strategies for immigrant worker coop development.

 “Taking Root: Management Skill Development and the Immigrant Worker Cooperatives Movement” from TeamWorks Cooperative Network

Discusses three pathways for developing effective management of immigrant worker coops: internal promotion of immigrant coop members, recruiting recent immigrant college graduates, and encouraging participant-developers. Reviews the author’s own experience as founder/ participant-developer of TeamWorks Cooperatives.

 “What Is a Worker Cooperative?” from U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives

“Worker-Owned Cooperatives: Direct Democracy in Action” from

Artist Cooperatives

Asian Arts Initiative: Core Values

Motivating principles for the Asian Arts Initiative.

Highwire Gallery

History of a Philadelphia artist cooperative.

Space 1026

About a Philadelphia artist cooperative.

Vox Populi Gallery

Background on the Vox Populi artist cooperative.

Visit to a women’s handicraft cooperative

About “a women’s co-operative founded in 1984 for the welfare of disadvantaged women and children.”

Child and Healthcare Cooperatives

“The Saint-Camille Care and Services Solidarity Co-operative and Its Impact on Social Cohesion”

The paper aims “to characterize the impact of the Coop de solidarité en soins et services de Saint-Camille’s activities on the community using the five dimensions pertaining to social cohesion — territoriality, accessibility of services, employability, democracy, and connectivity.”

“The Saint-Camille Co-operative Initiatives Home Care, Housing and Rural Development”

“This case study looks at how a small rural community in Québec has aimed to reverse the trend of rural de-population, and rebuild services and economic opportunities for local people.”

Research on the Economic Impact of Healthcare Cooperatives from University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

History and background on healthcare cooperatives.

Healthcare Cooperatives from University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives

Links to healthcare cooperative information.

Cooperatives and Public Policy

The Cooperative Development Foundation

A prominent organization related to the cooperative movement located in the Washington, DC area.  Contains information about cooperative funding opportunities in the United States and around the world.

 “Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation” from the International Labour Organization

Text of the ILO’s Recommendation concerning Promotion of Cooperatives, which seeks to advise labour organizations on the promotion of cooperative development in their countries.