
Arnot, Chris, Peter Boxall, and Sean Cash. “Do Ethical Consumers Care about Price? A Revealed Preference Analysis of Fair Trade Coffee Purchases.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54, no. 4 (2006): 555-565.

Avritzer, Leonardo. Democracy and the Public Space in Latin America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002.

Benjamin, Lehn, Julia Sass Rubin, and Sean Zielenbach. “Community Development Financial Institutions: Current Issues and Future Prospects.” Journal of Urban Affairs 26 (2004): 177-195.

Benjamin, Lehn, Julia Sass Rubin, and Sean Zielenbach. “Community Development Financial Institutions: Expanding Access to Capital in Under-Served Markets.” In The Community Development Reader, edited by James DeFilippes and Susan Saegert, 81-88. New York: Routledge, 2008.

Blanc, Jérome. “Classifying ‘CCs’: Community, Complementary and Local Currencies’ Types and Generations.” International Journal of Community Currency Research 15 (2011): 4-6.

Presents a typology to classify and categorise CCs in a way that looks to future developments, while capturing the diversity of historical origins, excluding sovereignty and for-profit motives.

Cahn, Edgar S. No More Throw-Away People: the Co-Production Imperative. Washington, DC: Essential Books, 2004.

A thorough explanation of Cahn’s principles of Co-Production and his personal experience in the creation of Time Dollars.  Cahn gives his perspective on several issues threatening the well-being of American communities and explains how Co-Production and a “non-money” economy can help.

Collum, Ed. “Motivations and Differential Participation in a Community Currency System: The Dynamics within a Local Social Movement Organization.” Sociological Forum 26 (2011): 144-168.

Reviews the literature on individual motivations for participation in collective action, which informs this original research on participants in a Time Bank using surveys and the recorded transactions from the Time Bank database. Results show that economic need and desire to create a better society are the most common motivation for joining the Time Bank.

Collum, Ed. “Community Currency in the United States: The Environments in which it Emerges and Survives.”  University of Southern Maine, 2003.

A macro analysis concerning environmental conduciveness for local paper currencies in the U.S. Results show differences in the determining variables between cities where currencies emerge compared to where they succeed.

Fixing the Future: Creating Local Jobs and Building Prosperity, directed by Ellen Spiro. PBS Home Video, 2011. DVD.

Fountain, Wendell. The Credit Union World: Theory, Process, Practice Cases and Application. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006.

Gelleri, Christian. “Chiemgauer Regiomoney: Theory and Practice of a Local Currency.” International Journal of Community Currency Research 13 (2009): 61-75.

A report by the founder of the Chiemgauer on its practical development, objectives, infrastructure, how it relates to national currency, and effects of the local community, as well as relevant considerations for the development of any local currency.

Gomez, Georgina M. Argentina’s Parallel Currency: The Economy of the Poor. Pickering & Chatto, 2009.

Irving, S., R. Harrison, and M. Rayner. “Ethical Consumerism-Democracy through the Wallet.” Journal of Research for Consumers 3 (2002): 1-12.

Kim, Ju-Young, Martin Natter, and Martin Span. “Pay-What-You-Want — A New Participative Pricing Mechanism.” Journal of Marketing (2008).

Krohn, Gregory and Alan Snyder. “An Economic Analysis of Contemporary Local Currencies in the United States.”  International Journal of Community Currency Research 12 (2008): 53-68

Examines the historical backgrounds of community currency emergence, then focuses on the economics of Ithaca Hours specifically, before analyzing the more general effects of local currencies on their communities. Concludes that local currencies do not offer economic benefits, but do offer cultural capital.

Lepofsky, J. and L. Bates. “Helping Everyone Have PLENTY: Addressing Distribution and Circulation in an HOURS-Based Local Currency System.” International Journal of Community Currency Research 9 (2005): 1-20.

Examines the hindrances to distribution and circulation within the currency called PLENTY, a scrip-based local currency based on the Ithaca Hours model in central North Carolina. Offers proposals for improving the currency, and relates the lessons of the situation to other local currency endeavors.

Lietaer, Bernard, and Gwendolyn Hallsmith. Community Currency Guide. Global Community Initiatives, 2006.

Martignoni, Jens. “A New Approach to a Typology of Complementary Currencies.” International Journal of Community Currency Research 16 (2012): 1-17.

Develops a typology of the various complementary currencies in Europe by identifying the basic features of each. Presents an evaluation system that enables the characterization of the majority of complementary currencies.

Meeker-Lowry, Susan. “Community Money: The Potential of Local Currency.” In The Case Against the Global Economy, edited by J. Mander and E. Goldsmith, 446-59. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1995.

Introduces and examines the possibilities of the community money movement. Focuses on the benefits for community development economically and socially.

Mendell, Marguerite, and Ricío Nogales. “Solidarity Finance.” Universitas Forum 5, no 2 (2012).

The Money Fix, directed by Alan Rosenblith. Shades of Grey Media, 2008. DVD.

Pitre, Vidya. “Urban Cooperative Banks: Issues and Prospects.” Economic and Political Weekly 38 (2003), no. 15: 1505-1513.

Ryan-Collins, Josh. “Building Local Resilience: The Emergence of the UK Transition Currencies.” International Journal of Community Currency Research 15 (2011): 61-67.

Examines the emergence of ‘Transition Currencies’ in the United Kingdom from 2007-2011. The theoretical roots for these models are explained; successes, limitations, and possible future developments in regards to delivering additional social, economic and environmental objectives are discussed.

Seyfang, Gill and Noel Longhurst. “Growing Green Money? Mapping Community Currencies for Sustainable Development.” Ecological Economics 86 (2013): 65-77.

Presents empirical evidence from the first international study of the scope and character of community currencies. Identifies diversity, scale, geography, and development trajectory of the initiatives, discusses the implications of these findings for efforts to achieve sustainable development, and identifies future research needs.

de Sousa Santos, B. “Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: Toward a Redistributive Democracy.” Politics & Society 26, no. 4 (1998): 461-510.