
Complementary and Alternative Currencies

Online Database of Complementary Currencies Worldwide

The database includes systems worldwide and can be searched or browsed.

Online Laboratory on Complementary Currencies JAPAN

Includes a slideshow with introductory information about complementary currencies, as well as a list of links.

ACCESS Foundation (Alliance of Complementary Currencies Enabling Sustainable Societies)

“The Access Foundation is an international, educational, non-profit organization dedicated to the betterment of mankind through the understanding and use of complementary monetary innovations.”


An international complementary currency for use in the online marketplace. Piloted in six countries.


BerkShares are a local currency for the Berkshire region.

LETS Linkup

Local Exchange Trading System directory with introductory materials.

“Local Currencies: Catalysts for Sustainable Regional Economies”

A history of forms of alternative currencies in the United States, based on an essay by E.F. Schumacher which focused on the need for economic focus at the local level. A focus on the history and implementation of BerkShares and Ithaca Hours, and suggestions from the Schumacher Society regarding policies for local currency initiatives.

Time Banks

TimeBanks USA

Time banks use the “time dollar” where one hour is the unit of currency. Unlike hOURS, LETS, and many local currencies, the time spent is the only factor for credits and debits.

helluva Organized United Reciprocation System

The Philadelphia and Boston hOURS website.

Credit Unions

World Council of Credit Unions

The international council of credit union associations.

National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions

“A community development credit union (CDCU) is a credit union with a specialized mission of serving low- and moderate-income people and communities.”

Ethical Consumerism

Fairtrade Labeling Organizations International (FLO)

Information about fair trade certification, with links to national organizations.

Fair Trade Institute

“The most comprehensive online collection of Fair Trade publications, where researchers convene for Fair Trade.”

Union Labeling

The AFL-CIO Union Label and Service Trades Department.

Local Harvest

A database of local food, including community supported agriculture, farmers markets, and other projects.

National Organic Program of the USDA

Information about organic food as it applies to the United States.

Social Accountability Accreditation Services

Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) is an accreditation agency founded to accredit and monitor organizations as certifiers of compliance with social standards, including the Social Accountability 8000 standard for ethical working conditions.

Social Investment Forum

“Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) integrates environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions.”

International Association of Investors in the Solidarity Economy

“INAISE is a global network of socially and environmentally oriented financial institutions.”

Participatory Budgeting

Participatory Budgeting Project

“A nonprofit organization that supports participatory budgeting in North America.”

Participatory Budgeting Unit: Ask an Expert

Questions can be asked of experts with emailed and posted replies.

“Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre: Towards a Redistributive Democracy”

Examines the case of Porto Alegre, including the particular history of the city, the institutions of a participatory budget, the development of participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, and evaluation of its success.

Participatory Budgeting Listserv

“The purpose of the group is to facilitate information exchange, discussion, and collaboration between people working with or interested in PB.”

Participative Pricing

“SAME Cafe: The Restaurant Where You Pay What you Can”

Newspaper article about a restaurant with pay-what-you-can pricing.

Community Development Finance Institutions

Coalition of Community Development Finance Institutions