Other Mapping Initiatives

ess global ESSGlobal

With the growth of the organization of Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) in different countries, the capacity of publicizing and sharing informations of SSE initiatives also got stronger, through mappings, construction of databases, systems of information and portals in the Internet. Unfortunately, these data stockpiles are still restricted to each network. ESSGlobal is a pilot project (still in development) to achieve economic and thematic intercommunication among national SSE information systems.

fbes FBES Farejador

The Brazilian mapping project. Able to generate a “yellow pages”-style directory of results.

zoes  Zoes

The Italian platform combines mapping and social networking functions.  Users may submit new data about their enterprise or event to the map after being accepted to the network.

quebec  Economie Sociale Québec

The Quebec platform integrates its maps into specific product searches.

SolidarityNYC SolidarityNYC

The SolidarityNYC map aims to strengthen and network alternative economy practices in the city.

pioneer valley  Pioneer Valley, MA

Map of solidarity economy initiatives in the Western Massachusetts Pioneer Valley.

worcester  Worcester, MA

The Worcester map’s mission is to connect the various groups working towards sustainable and equitable development in Worcester.  Users may self-map.

boston  Boston, Massachusetts

A collaborative academic project, the Boston map aims to encourage socially responsible consumption and investment.